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Taboretto • 2 years ago

Huh, this is reaIIy interesting Mouri was so angry in this episode, did he had a hangover after new years eve? IoI

bari • 2 years ago

goro is so mad this ep hmmp!

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

7:12 "Masa ka kehai wo keshite ita no ka?" tte...
"Could he have been erasing his presence?" he says - what kind of abilities are we working with exactly??

LesK • 2 years ago

it's not actually all THAT hard to walk quietly and be unobtrusive. the Japanese carry around a LOT of change coins. pretty much anything at or under 1,000Y they pay for with coins. that's like a $1 bill to Americans, the 1k Yen coin. so if you don't have a tightly closed coin-pouch you're going to jingle from your change. then there's your keys, house key, back door key, key to the security door, key to the gate, any keys for work or school. of course there's your shoe choice and the soles they have. if your clothes are made from rough textured fabrics they tend to 'burr burr, burr burr' when you walk... like corduroy pants. rustling jackets, an umbrella that doesn't fold properly the first time you retract it, periodic beeps and boops etc. from your cellphone. never forgetting body odor, shampoo, conditioner, cologne/perfume, hand creams and other skin care products. heck, some folks who have deviated septum due to a birth defect or broken nose WHISTLE slightly when they breathe through their noses. if you've got allergies or a cold you'll sniffle, snort, or cough/sneeze, blow your nose. if you're hungry your tummy will rumble, if you've got gas sometimes when it is passing over a bend in your guts they will make a gurgle. never forgetting the classic fart as well. :)

smokers like myself do tend to have a wafting scent of stale smoke and ashes surrounding us... or a fresh scent if we just finished burning one. the Japanese aren't all that crazy about banning smoking like the Americans are. they're slowly pushing smokers out of places too, but there's even corporations that have 'smoke eater rooms' inside the buildings. these are rooms so smokers can take a break inside and not wander outside somewheres. those rooms have air filters, closed circulators, ash-trays that also suck in smoke and clean the air, and the ever present squirt bottle of Febreeze clothing freshener!

although i've heard in Tokyo you can't smoke in public (on the streets and sidewalks) unless in a designated zone and you're not permitted to walk around with a lit one on you either. supposedly that's so folks don't get accidentally burned but. shrug. that's an iffy one to me.

have you noticed? Kogoro's cut back on his puffery. i used to see him light one up almost every episode he's in and the other characters too. either the just for that episode folks or the semi-regulars aren't smoking either. i think Japan sometime in 2000 passed an anti-smoking TV law that prevents shows rated 'bla bla bla' or broadcasting at 'bla bla bla' times from having too many smokers on screen or so many scenes per 'bla bla bla'... it has been 20 plus years since i read the articles on that law. :D

there's been more than one time when i've walked up to a coworker and surprised the crap outta them. i'm both well trained and just naturally sneaky. :)

Wiz Kidd • 1 year ago

I tend to move fairly silently as long as I have all that jingly stuff inside my pockets, so I've inadvertently (and sometimes deliberately) snuck up on friends, but the way he said it sounded like something out of a supernatural shounen 😄

"Well trained"?

I have noticed that about Kogorou. Probably way, way back, but I remember him blowing right into Conan's face - I'm like, "Oi, that's ch-"

raistakilhara • 1 year ago

i really like this kind of episodes , with stories that last more than 2 or 3 episodes

strange guy • 1 year ago

Been a while since Jodie appeared

christian engesæt • 2 years ago

Why does Jodi and James speak Japanese?Oh yeah of course they are in Japan so they have too speak Japanese or else i thought she was a American and he British or whatever makes me laugh and cry how stupid this is

strange guy • 1 year ago


bari • 2 years ago

4 ep arc!

sami Alaamr • 2 years ago

kogoru said the name of jems bond the actor ?

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

Maybe Eisuke just wants to know where his big sister is... (99.5% sure they're not the same person) Part of Shinichi planting himself at Mouri's is to pick up leads to the Organization, so he could be doing the same thing, esp. since we were at her apartment. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Tripple-A • 11 months ago

Finally, FINALLY a real episode for once and it's even one with Eisuke. Now I just need a new Heiji episode and I'm happy for a dozen episodes.